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Managing Your Farm
19 Sep '21
1. If you're creating a farm from scratch, first click the 'Add' button from the farm list screen immediately after login. Otherwise, skip to step 2.
2. Once you see the 'New Farm' screen, fill out the form and press 'Save'.

Balance View: refers to a balance visible on the finances button on the dashboard.\

Area Type: is the default unit of measure for area.

Weight Type: is the default unit of measure for weights.

Active Species: is the list of species allowed for the organization.

Paddock / Pasture Logic: is an automation feature available on business subscriptions. It tracks animals as they rotate paddocks / pastures and automatically records breeding and weaning events.

Nb. The organization name and country are required fields, and you'll also need to select at least one species that you manage.
3. If you need to delete your farm without deleting your user account, you can do this by revoking all user access from the farm.

Once all user access is revoked, the system will automatically delete the farm data.